
Vortrag Sektion Bern: ll y a cent ans… Music and Sport around the 1924 Paris Olympic Games

26.03.2024, 18:30 - 20:00
Bern, Mittelstrasse 43, Raum 120 und online via ZOOM, Institut für Musikwissenschaft Mittelstrasse 43, Raum 120, 3012 Bern

Federico Lazzaro (Fribourg)

Around the 1924 Olympic Games, Parisian media attention turned to a subject that had hitherto been fairly marginal in French artistic discourse: sport. Traditionally seen as opposed to the arts and activities of the mind, sport had so far been set to music mainly as a parody in cabaret songs and in Erik Satie’s Sports et divertissements (1914), for example. Things seem to change in 1924: the relationship between music and sport became a recurring topic of reflection, the first symphonic poems with a sporting theme were composed, and cultural events during the Olympic Games featured musical works in which sport took center stage. This lecture will present an overview of these debates and works, which represent a key moment in the aesthetic reconsideration of the relationship between body and mind in the age of modernism. 

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