
Vortrag Sektion Bern: Informed listening in action

15.11.2022, 18:30 - 20:00
Bern, Mittelstrasse 43, Raum 120 und online via ZOOM, Institut für Musikwissenschaft Mittelstrasse 43, Raum 120, 3012 Bern

John Rink (Cambridge)

This presentation will consider the evaluation of musical performances in theory and in practice, offering a complementary perspective on the perennial issue of how ‘information’ of different kinds can be used to musical ends. After summarising recent research on evaluation and on so-called informedness in musicmaking, I will turn to the particular act of listening to and forming judgments about performances, offering examples of how the insights gained from my research might have conditioned my responses to select musicians during the 17th and 18th ‘editions’ of the International Chopin Competition in 2015 and 2021, in both of which I served as a member of the jury. I will focus on the interpretive choices made by the various pianists, showing extracts from the notes that I jotted down while they played. Some general conclusions will ultimately be drawn about how we listen to and evaluate music, and also with regard to listening as a site of and impetus for artistic research.

Zoom-Meeting beitreten

Meeting-ID: 631 4058 7186

Kenncode: 083099